Esswaren und Wannatreat

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Delight in a fantastic choice of natural, robust and liquid blends that integrate the satisfying results of cannabinoids with great terpene herbs to supply the supreme smoke experience. In lighter dosages, the effects of smoking cigarette blends are understood to be uplifting, energetic, cerebral, and the finest fit for daytime usage. In more effective dosages, the results are understood to be unwinding and relaxing and the finest suitable for the night. If you’re trying to find an excellent alternative for tobacco when rolling a joint, you’ll like our natural herbs and blend mix.

Ergebnisse 1 – 20 von 31 werden angezeigt

  • Absinthe - Artemisia Absinthium

    Absinth - Artemisia Absinthium


    Artemisia absinthium, auch bekannt als Wermut oder Grüner Ingwer, wurde zur Herstellung des sagenumwobenen psychoaktiven Getränks Absinth (Grüne Fee) verwendet, das im späten 19. Jahrhundert sehr beliebt war, bevor es praktisch weltweit verboten wurde. Absinth war das Lieblingsgetränk vieler Künstler und Intellektueller der damaligen Zeit. Mehrere Arten von Artemisia werden auch geraucht...

  • Blue Lotus - Nymphaea Caerulea

    Blauer Lotus - Nymphaea Caerulea


    Der Blaue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) ist auch als Blaue Seerose oder Ägyptischer Lotos bekannt. Er ist eine Wasserpflanze, die an den Ufern von Seen und Flüssen wächst. Die alten Ägypter betrachteten den blauen Lotus als eine heilige Pflanze. Wirkung Die Wirkung des Blauen Lotus ist sowohl narkotisch als auch euphorisch und wird leicht halluzinogen...

  • Blue Mountain High - Herbal Spliff Mix 1Blue Mountain High - Herbal Spliff Mix 2

    Blue Mountain High - Kräuterspliff-Mix


    Steig hoch genug, um den blauen Himmel zu erreichen! Blue Mountain High Herbal Spliff Mix kombiniert die feinsten psychoaktiven Kräuter, um dich in die Höhe zu katapultieren. Der euphorische Rausch ist beruhigend und belebend zugleich. Eine Tasse Tee aus dieser Kräutermischung trägt zu einem glücklichen, ausgeglichenen Geisteszustand bei. Rauszoomen, loslassen! In höheren Dosen, Blue...

  • Angebot! CBS-Shatter-Canned

    CBD Chatter Tube


    Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

    • Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur
    • Aoreet rutrum faucibus
    • Sed posuere consectetur
  • CBS-Isolate-Canned



    Augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

    • Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur
    • Aoreet rutrum faucibus
    • Sed posuere consectetur
  • SpiritofNature_HoneyBerry

    Honigbeere - Kräuterspliff-Mix


    Spirit of Nature Herbal Spliff Mix ist die perfekte tabakfreie Lösung, um großartig schmeckende Joints und Spliffs zu drehen und gleichzeitig die Wirkung Ihrer Lieblingskräuter, wie Cannabis oder CBD-Blüten, zu verstärken.

    • Tabakersatz, nikotinfrei
    • 100% Natürlich, ohne chemische Zusatzstoffe
    • Mild und natürlich im Geschmack
  • Passion Flower - Passiflora Incarnata

    Passionsblume - Passiflora Incarnata


    Die Passionsblume ist ein weit verbreitetes einheimisches Unkraut am Straßenrand, das in vielen Gebieten im Südosten der Vereinigten Staaten vorkommt, wo es oft in großen Mengen in Gräben und auf offenen Feldern wächst. Der Name Passionsblume (lat. passiflora) leitet sich von der symbolischen Beziehung zwischen der anatomischen und numerischen Anordnung der Blüten und den Elementen der...

  • Skullcap - Scutellaria Lateriflora

    Scheitelkäppchen - Scutellaria Lateriflora


    Skullcap was used by several American Indian tribes. They strongly recommended it for the relief of headache and related pain. Many physicians of the 19th Century used Skullcap with great success to treat nervous diseases, convulsions, neuralgia, insomnia, restlessness and even tetanus. These uses have continued to present day, but little scientific research has been…

  • Wild Dagga Flowers

    Wilde Dagga-Blüten


    Wild Dagga, also known as Marihuanilla is a general designation used to refer to several species of flowers belonging to the leonorus strain. Wild dagga is the named used in South-Africa whereas Marihuanilla is the term commonly used in Mexico. Effects Wild Dagga flowers have a calming and sedating effect. Some users also report it…

  • Wild Lettuce - Lactuca Virosa

    Wilder Kopfsalat - Lactuca Virosa


    Wild Lettuce is also known as lettuce opium, although its effect is much weaker than opium. However, its effects do resemble those of opium. Like opium, wild lettuce also influences the central nervous system. Depending on the amount taken, the effects range from a euphoric and relaxed feeling to a painkilling, numbing effect. Effects Overall effects…

  • Solid-blends-afghani-gold.webpSmoking-solid-blends-afghani-gold.webp

    Afghani Gold


    Welcome to holy grail of solid blends! A delicate combination of the famous soft texture that is easy to roll and the spectacular potent effects that put your mind and body at ease. A true masterpiece with an unforgettable taste and aroma, Afghani Gold is easy to work with, and produces the classic afghani effects that make it one of the most desired hashish solids in the world.

    The origins of this special solid blend come from the areas surrounding the Hindu Kush mountain range and provinces such as Balkh and Mazar-i, known worldwide for the high quality Indica and Sativa hemp that grows there. The consistency, soft and compact at the same time, are obtained mainly thanks to the traditional hand-pressed techniques that enhance the characteristics of the cannabis plant, respecting its natural properties and providing the perfect smoking blend experience.

  • Solid-blends-ketama-gold.webpSmoking-solid-blends-ketama-gold.webp

    Ketama Gold

     26,95 74,95

    Imagine sitting high up on a mountain in the Himalayas. On your personal pilgrimage with a chunk of creamy Ketama Gold in your hand. The rock surrenders to the gentle touch of your fingers and crumbles softly. After your sacred rolling ritual you light up your incense and now you know it’s for sure. It’s just like the real thing. The flavor, the scent, the feeling, the spiritual experience. Everything. You are thrilled and thankful, because you don’t want to make concessions when it comes to something that is almost like a religion to you. A moment later you are as high as the Himalayas themselves. You are home.

  • Solid-blends-afghani-gold-1.webpSmoking-solid-blends-pollen.webp


     15,95 28,95

    The light golden nectar of Pollen is the next generation solid blend from the Shayana series of high quality products. Following the Moroccan path of the finest blends in the world, this amazing product can be crumbled up and enjoyed just like the real thing. Experience only the finest made from 100% tested active ingredients and enjoy the strength of a powerful blend.

  • Smoking-solid-blends-kashmir-kush.webp

    Kashmir Kush


    The essence of Kashmir smoking blends is superbly captured by this quintessential quality solid. The divine weed scent and flavour are now more refined and deeper than ever to satisfy your unique desires.

    An exquisite example of premium ebony charas that will alter your entire sensory system for good, Kashmir Kush elevates you right up into the heights of the Himalayas themselves.

  • Moroko.webp



    From the Mecca of hashish to your fingertips, we bring you MOROKO, a powerful solid blend that pays tribute to its origins with its impeccable aroma, exquisite flavour and powerful effects.

    Fort Fumé presents the next generation of blends that maximize potency and combine the highest quality with amazing value for the ultimate smoking experience. A definite “must try” for anyone who has enjoyed Dutch Orange and would like to take it to the next level with a stronger blend.

  • Dutch-orange-original.webp

    Dutch Orange Original

     7,95 88,95

    The original Dutch Orange mix that started it all back in 2009. Experience the pleasant body high, psychoactive stimulation and sensory enhancement of this classic blend.

  • Dutch-orange-long-lasting.webp

    Dutch Orange Long Lasting

     7,95 58,95

    Dutch Orange Long Lasting produces a stronger body high which will stimulate your senses for a longer duration than other blends. This special blend of herbs keeps the euphoric vibe going and going.

  • Dutch-orange-extreme.webp

    Dutch Orange Extreme

     23,95 63,95

    This potent herbal mix is the perfect choice for extreme highs and pleasurable experiences.

  • Dutch-orange-supreme.webp

    Dutch Orange Supreme

     8,95 63,50

    Developed for the experienced admirer of Dutch Orange blends, the Supreme herbal mix welcomes the next level of potency and flavour for your smoking pleasure.

  • Dutch-orange-intense.webp

    Dutch Orange Intense

     7,95 58,95

    Experience this popular blend with its characteristic intense flavour and effects, due to its higher concentration of active ingredients.