Edibles and Wannatreat​

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You will be motivated and happy for hours with the help of this euphoric energiser! PURPURA is a magical purple liquid that provides an amazing boost of positive energy.


When experienced in a positive mood and comfortable environment, the effects are greatly enhanced. For optimal storage conditions, keep refrigerated.
Increased energy, enhanced mood, sensory stimulation, appreciation for music and nature, social and physical disinhibition, empathy, affection, dancing urge, physical euphoria.
Onset: 30 – 60 minutes Come up: 1 – 2 hours Peak: 2 – 4 hours Come down: 1½ – 3 hours Duration: 5 – 8 hours
Light dosage: 1 bottle Normal dosage: 2 bottles If experiencing VOYAJ for the first time, a light dose (one bottle) is recommended.
5-MAPB + 3-FPM
Not recommended for use under 18. If pregnant, nursing, or taking a prescription drug, consult your health care professional. Do not exceed recommended dose. Consumption may impair the ability to drive or operate heavy equipment. It is not recommended for the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Please do not take it together with antidepressant medication. Please do not use it when you have a history of psychosis. Health Disclaimer